Chiho Aoshima

In the past 10 years Chiho Aoshima has made quite a splash in the world of Japanese pop art.  Her large scale fantasyscapes frequently depict surreal nature scenes incorporating images of young women and otherworldly beings.  She has no formal art training, but is a master of her computerized techniques.  Her technologically dependent style of image making falls directly inline with the Japanese pop art aesthetic, and her complex layering of color, culture, and cuteness combine to create truly enchanting and twisted views of the world.

Chiho Aoshima is a member of the Kaikai Kiki Collective of artists.  Check out their site for more of her images and links to a bunch of other super cool “Superflat” art!

2 Responses to “Chiho Aoshima”

  1. 1 Andy Krueger 09.04.2009 at 2:46 pm

    Yes! We saw her exhibition at the Walker in 2006 and it was amazing.

  2. 2 Igor The Troll 09.04.2009 at 6:45 pm

    You must come to Japan. The whole country is Pop Art!

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Fill in the Blank Gallery was formed out of the desire to create a space where art can be presented, discussed, created, performed, written, shared, and taught on an accessible level. Our goal is to foster creativity in our community, which is so full of talent but perhaps lacking in creative outlets. Part artist collective, part gallery, we feature a wide range of artistic works each month including fine art, craft, film, and music.